1. ACCEPTANCE. With the registration the athlete chooses one of the 4 courses and accepts the rules and regulations of completing the race. The athlete is obliged to respect the regulations and to obey the orders of the race organizational committee and the judges. Is aware that he/she will run in natural environment in the mountains with anomalous terrain and will be exposed to the whether conditions that will occur in the region on the day of the race.

2. AGE. The athletes can take part in the race if they are men or women older then 18 years old on the day of the race.


Olive Tree Trail– Rain Trail – Corfu Mountain Trail Ultra

Race general


Quick Trail

The Corfu Mountain Trail Race will be held on Saturday and Sunday, on April 26-27, 2025. The starts of the courses will be as follows:
QUICK TRAIL (12 km, 350+D). Start Benitses and finish in in Corfu Liston on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 9.30 am with time limit 3 hours to finish.
OLIVE TREE TRAIL (24 km 1200+D). Start Koinopiastes and finish in Corfu Liston on Saturday,April 26-2025 at 17.00 am with time limit 5 hours to finish.
RAIN TRAIL (44 km 2200+D). Start Ermones and finish in the in Corfu Liston on Saturday, April 26-2025 at 15.00 pm with time limit 10 hours to finish.
CORFU MOUNTAIN  TRAIL ULTRA (103 km 4200+D). Start from the Port of Ipsos at 6.00 am (26/4/2025 Saturday) and finish in in Corfu Liston with time limit 24 hours to finish.

5. REGISTRATION FEES are the following:
10€ until 10/4/2025 (plus with Tshirt +15 euro)

20€ until 10/4/2025 (plus with Tshirt +15 euro)

RAIN TRAIL (44 km)
40€ until 10/4/2025 (plus with Tshirt +15 euro)

100€ until 10/4/2025

The registration is possible on-line on the official web site of the race, www.corfumountaintrail.com. with credit card. The transaction fees are paid by the athletes. The registration is valid from the time of the payment checked by the organizational committee. In case of cancellation more then 1 month (until 11/3/2025) before the race 80% of the fee is refunded, if cancellation occurs until 10 days before the race 50% of the fee is refunded. If the race is canceled by the race organization for any reason the full amount of the fee is returned in 30 days from the date of the race day. If the the date of the race is transferred the race fee is not refundable. After completing the registration the athletes can change the chosen course only if they contact directly the organizational committee the latest 20 days before the race day.

6. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS. The maximum number of participants who can take part in the race (in all of the courses) is 600 athletes. The priority order is strictly based on the time of registration. The list of registered athletes will close on May , 2024 even if the number or maximum athletes is not fulfilled. Caution: After the date of 10/4/2025 no other registration is accepted.


The courses of the races follow trails, streams and dirt roads. They are signed all the way.


The length of the route is 103km with 4200+D meters
of altitude difference. It starts from Ypsos and goes towards the village of Spartila at the 5th km where
there is a water supply station. It continues its upward course towards the Taxiarchis and then towards Mount
Pantokrator, which is also the highest point of Corfu. At the 12th kilometer is the highest point of the race
and at Kelia an aid station. From there we enter the path again and through technical terrain we reach the
village of Strinilas, passing through the village we  descend towards the church of Panagia of the Routes.

After the church we take the paved road then turn right
and enter the beautiful smooth path which takes us to the village of Sgourades. There is a tap with drinking
water in the village square. For about 2 km we move on the asphalt and then we
turn right at the 22nd kilometer on the orchid path to the village of Zygos. Leaving the village behind we
move along the stream for about 2 km, and then we head uphill to the left until the 27th kilometer to the
traditional village of Sokraki. Then we move on the ridge of the mountain passing the areas of Pilida –
Trumpeta – Agia Anna seeing on our left the city ​​of Corfu and on our right hand the Northern part of the
island and the Diapontian islands Othoni Erikoussa Mathraki. Then we pass through the village of Lakones
at the 42nd km where there is a central aid station. From this point there is a 2 km asphalt route and next
to the Acapulco bar it enters a beach path towards the beautiful village of Liapades. It is worth paying
attention to the view of Paleokastritsa. It continues and passes through the village of Giannades at the 54th
km where there is water supply and after the village of Ermones at the 59th km where there will be the fourth
central aid station with the athletes' drop bags. At this point there is a unique natural environment
harmoniously combining the deep green with the blue of the sea, it is one of the best view of the island.
From this point and through a dirt road, our route goes to the village of Ermones, successively following the
beaches of Myrtiotissa, Glyfada, Kontogialo, while in the village of Varypatades there is a water supply
station. We continue through the dirt road from the villages of Kouramades, Castellanoi where there will
be a central aid station. We head towards the village of Agioi Deka with a water supply station and descend to
the village of Garounas on a traditional dirt path that is not particularly technical. We pass through huge olive
groves to the village of Stavros, where there will be the last central aid station.
Leaving Stavros, we go down on a technical path to
the village of Benitses and then we go up to themonastery of Agia Kyriaki next to the Achillion Palace.
From there, following the path of Yarda, we reach Perama and passing across the bridge we see the

Mouse Island (Pontikonisi) and the church of
Vlaherena on our right. We run up to Kanoni, pass byMon Repo Resort and, reaching the last kilometers
from the beach of Garitsa, we go up to the centralsquare of Spianada and finish in front of Liston the
central Square of Corfu town.

RAIN TRAIL (44 km)
The course has 2200m + elevation and starts from Ermones this point and through a dirt road, our route goes to the village of Ermones, successively following the beaches of Myrtiotissa, Glyfada, Kontogialo, while in the village of Varypatades there is a water supply station. We continue through the dirt road from the villages of Kouramades, Castellanoi where there will be a central aid station. We head towards the village of Agioi Deka with a water supply station and descend to the village of Garounas on a traditional dirt path that is not particularly technical. We pass through huge olive groves to the village of Stavros, where there will be the last central aid station.

Leaving Stavros, we go down on a technical path to the village of Benitses and then we go up to the monastery of Agia Kyriaki next to the Achillion Palace. From there, following the path of Yarda, we reach Perama and passing across the bridge we see the Mouse Island (Pontikonisi) and the church of Vlaherena on our right. We run up to Kanoni, pass by Mon Repo Resort and, reaching the last kilometers from the beach of Garitsa, we go up to the central square of Spianada and finish in front of Liston the central Square of Corfu town.


The course start Koinopiastes we head towards the village of Agioi Deka with a water supply station and descend to the village of Garounas on a traditional dirt path that is not particularly technical. We pass through huge olive groves to the village of Stavros, where there will be the last central aid station.

Leaving Stavros, we go down on a technical path to the village of Benitses and then we go up to the monastery of Agia Kyriaki next to the Achillion Palace. From there, following the path of Yarda, we reach Perama and passing across the bridge we see the Mouse Island (Pontikonisi) and the church of Vlaherena on our right. We run up to Kanoni, pass by Mon Repo Resort and, reaching the last kilometers from the beach of Garitsa, we go up to the central square of Spianada and finish in front of Liston the central Square of Corfu town.


The course has 300 m + elevation and starts from the village of Benitses and then we go up to the monastery of Agia Kyriaki next to the Achillion Palace. From there, following the path of Yarda, we reach Perama and passing across the bridge we see the Mouse Island (Pontikonisi) and the church of Vlaherena on our right. We run up to Kanoni, pass by Mon Repo Resort and, reaching the last kilometers from the beach of Garitsa, we go up to the central square of Spianada and finish in front of Liston the central Square of Corfu town.

8. The time limits to complete the courses are the following:
QUICK TRAIL (12 km) 3 hours
OLIVE TREE TRAIL ( 24 km) 5 hours
RAIN TRAIL (44 km) 10 hours
NIGHT DAY TRAIL (103 km) 24 hours
The athletes who withdraw from the race for any reason are responsible to inform the jury of the nearest check point. The athletes who are judged by the official jury not to finish the race are obliged to withdraw from the race and give back their number. If they choose to continue the race they will take all the responsibility for it. The athletes who cross the finish line after the time limits are not validated finishers of the race. Finishing the race is validated only if the athlete completes the race in the given time limit.

Every athlete is required to wear his/her race number on the front of his/her T-shirt where it is easily visible. The race number cannot be folded or changed in any other way.

This year, RaceTracker will be used for the 103km and 44km races. The device will be informing in real time about the position of the athlete but also about his hole race. The use of the device is obligatory so its deactivation will have as a result the invalidation of the athletes effort. The athlete is beeing charged for the device so if, for any reason, he will not return it back to the race organizers he will be charged 100 euros(value of the device). The device must be activated by the athlete twenty(20) minutes before the start of the race by pressing the small button at the top of the device. Then the three leds will start blinking until only the green led does. At the front of the devise there is the larger emergency button witch must be used ONLY in case of emergency. The use of thi button will send an SOS signal and the device will make possible the tracking of the exact position of the athlete for more than 35 hours. Thus maximum safety is beeing provited. With the use of Racemap Aplication and the number on the device it will be possible for anybody, to follow the athete during the hole race. The device will be delivered fully charged when the start number will be given and it has to be returned at the end of the race to the Race organizers. Participating at the race you automatically agree to the terms of the RaceTracker system.

Every athlete who is reached by a faster one is obliged to pull off if asked to so the overtaking will take place quickly and safely.

11. ESCORTING COMPANY. It is forbidden for the athletes to run together on any part of the course with friends or relatives who are not registered racers. If an athlete wants to run with his/her pet, it is allowed only if the pet will not disturb the other athletes.

12. EXTERNAL SUPPORT. Every external help or technical support is forbidden through the race, as well as the use of any motorized vehicle. Running poles, compass, map, GPS, mobile phones are permitted.

13. GARBAGE. It is strictly forbidden to throw away any kind of package material on the whole course. For the violation of this rule the athlete can be punished even with disqualification from the race.

14. FOOD STATIONS. In the Corfu Mountain Trail Ultra (103 km) there are 6 central food stations in the villages of Kelia, Sokraki, Lakones, Vatos, Kastellani, Stavros as well as in-between water stations. In the Rain Trail (44 km) there are 3 central food stations in the Monastery of Pantokratoras, in Stavros and in the Monastery of Agioi Deka, as well as in-between water stations. In the Olive Tree Trail (24 km) there is one food station in Stavros and 3 stations with access to drinkable water.

On the course of the Corfu Mountain Trail Ultra (103 km) there are 16 check points. The checkpoints have the following cut-off times:
• Sokraki at 26 km – 6 h
• Vatos at 56 km – 14 h
• Stayros at 86 km – 20 h

On the course of the Rain Trail (44 km) there are 6 check points. The checkpoints have the following cut-off times:
• Stavros at 30 km – 6h

On the course of the Olive Trail (24 km) there are 3 check points. The checkpoint has the following cut-off time:
• Stavros at 11 km – 3h

On the course of the Quick Trail (12 km) there is one check point.
The athletes are obliged to be recorded by the jury at the check points. If the athlete has not been recorded at every check point he/she is out of race. If an athlete decides to change the course while running for any reason from the one that he/she is registered, he/she is automatically out of race.

16. EQUIPMENT. The athletes are not obliged to carry special equipment, except for a water tank or drink vessels, because at the stations the athletes can drink the fluids from their own containers on the courses of the 12 km, 24 km and 44 km. For the course of 24 km and 44 km especially for the least experienced athletes it is recommended by the race organization committee to carry a small bag pack with water tank, wind jacket, solid food, elastic bandage, whistle, mobile phone, torch light, some money, and a map of the mountain. For the course of the Corfu Mountain Trail Ultra (103 km) the athletes are obliged to carry the following equipment. The race organizers will perform random checks prior to the race start and at various check points on whether the mandatory equipment is indeed being carried along. If mandatory equipment were to be missing, the participant in question will be disqualified from the race.
Mandatory equipment for the Corfu Mountain Trail Ultra (103 km):
1. 2 head lights
2. extra batteries
3. waterproof rain coat
4. aluminium blanket
5. whistle
6. elastic bandage
7. extra T-shirt
8. water tank
9. mobile phone
10. solid food (1000 kCal)

Mandatory equipment for the Corfu Mountain Trail (rain trail 44 km):
1.  head lights
2. extra batteries
3. aluminium blanket
4. whistle
5. elastic bandage
6. extra T-shirt
7. water tank
8. mobile phone
9. solid food (500 kCal)

Mandatory equipment for the Corfu Mountain Trail (Olive trail 24 km):
1.  head lights
2. extra batteries
3. aluminium blanket
4. whistle
5. elastic bandage
6. extra T-shirt
7. water tank
8. mobile phone
9. solid food (500 kCal)

17. PENALTIES AND DISQUALIFICATIONS. All of the following violations of the rules disqualify the athletes:
• No show up or change of race number
• Acceptance of external support
• Use of motorized vehicle
• Throwing away garbage
• Change between the courses of 12km-24km-44km-103km
• Disabling other athletes or gross unsportsmanlike behavior
• Disregard of the directives of the race and course director, medical crew, officials at the check points, or officials within and trailing the field
• Missing one of the checkpoints
• Doping
• Refusal of doping check.
• Refusal to be subjected to medical examination by the medical crew of the race if it is judged necessary any time during the course of the race.
• Withdrawal from the race without informing the jury disqualifies the athlete from all the future races.

18. APPEALS. Appeals can be raised for any reason only by the same athlete until 30 minutes after completing the race. Any decision of the jury is final and not to be discussed further.

19. RACE COMMITEE. The race committee who is responsible for any problem or appeal that occurs during the time of the race consists of: the Race Director, the Route Official, the Safety Official and the Jury Official.

20. SAFETY. The race organization takes care of the courses as carefully as possible to avoid any unexpected incidence and offers medical care to the athletes who are in need.

21. CHANGIN THE ROUTE. The organization committee has the right to change the route of the courses if for any reason a danger occurs for the better safety of the athletes. As well as the start of the race can be delayed, canceled or transferred if necessary because of the whether conditions or for any other external reason.

22. PRIZE. The first 3 winners of each category of every course will receive a prize. Race medals will be given to all the athletes who will complete the race in the given time limit.  Registered  athlete  Plus kit  will receive a technical race T-shirt. There will be free meal after the race for every athlete. Transfer to start cost 3 euro  and pay them in registration office.

23. ADVERTISEMENT. Signing the registration every athlete gives permission to the organization committee for photo and video recording him/her during the race or during the award ceremony for the use of future advertisement.

24. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER. The organizer committee does not take responsibility for any death, accident or any kind of health problem of the athletes. Every participant registering for the race declare that he/she is aware of the dangers of racing in natural environment in the mountains, that they have the required experience and that the sate of their health is in good condition to take part in the race. Every athlete is responsible to undergo the regular preventive medical examinations. The organization committee has the right to prohibit an athlete from completing the race if it is judged by the medical crew of the race organization committee. The insurance of the athletes is their own responsibility.

25. RULE MODIFICATION. The organization committee has the right to modify the present rules and regulations of the race without any previous announcement if it is judged necessary. In any case the modification will not change the nature of the race.

PROTOCOL schedule: for race 2025
1. Registration only online and until April 10 strictly without any extension
2. Completion of an electronic declaration form of the participants
by declaring that they don’t have a series of health conditions
3. Individual starts or wave starts, depending on the number of entries but also the width of the starting area, as well as the width of the paths. The main concern of individual starts is to avoid overcrowding, the main cause of coronavirus transmission
4. Use timing chips for safer performance management due to the absence of mass start.
5. Keeping personal data of the competitors (phone, email), so that the contacts can be detected in case of an event