CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL Rules and regulations


1. ACCEPTANCE. With the registration the athlete chooses one of the 2 routes and accepts the regulations of the CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL. He must respect the regulations, obey the instructions of the organizing
committee as well as the judges. He understands that he will move in an urban environment, with difficult terrain and during, he will be exposed to the weather conditions that will prevail in the area on that particular day.
2. RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE. Men and women over the age of 18 are eligible to participate. The age of 18 must be completed on the day of the event.
Man and Woman
4. DATE AND TIME. It will take place on Suturday 21 of September , 2024.
The start of the races will be at 17.00.
5. COST OF PARTICIPATION. The cost for the routes is as follows
Registrations are made through the website, and payments will be made by card. Bank charges are paid by the depositor.
6. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS. The maximum number of participants is 500 people (for all routes). The order of priority based on the
applications will be strictly applied. Eventhough the above number has not been completed, the list of participants will close on 18/09/2024.
The routes of CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL are marked along their entire length.
8. TIME LIMITS. Those who will finish within the following time limits are considered Finishers.
• CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL 14 km – 2.30 hours
• QUICK CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL 7 km – 1.30 hours
Participants who quit for any reason are required to inform the judge at the nearest checkpoint. Participants who are advised by the judge to stop are obliged to give up and give their number. Their choice to continue will be at their own risk.

9. RACE NUMBER. Each participant is obliged to have on the front of his t-shirt and in a visible place his participation number. The number may not be folded or altered in any way.
10. TAKING OVER. Every participant who is approached by a faster athlete is obliged if asked to be pushed aside so that his overtaking can be done quickly and safely.
11. ACCOMPANYING participants. It is forbidden to accompany participants on any part of the route by friends and relatives. Any athlete wishing to run accompanied by a pet must have it tied, follow the last athlete and overtake only with the athlete’s consent.
12. HELP. Any external assistance as well as the use of any motorized vehicle is prohibited. The use of sticks, map, compass, GPS, mobile phone is allowed.
13. WASTE. It is strictly forbidden to throw away any kind of garbage or packaging material along the route. Violators will be punished even with exclusion from the CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL.
14. AID STATIONS. Along the way there are three AID stations.
15. CHECK POINTS. There will be 6 checkpoints along the way. All participants are required to be recorded by the judges. Any participant who does not pass even one checkpoint is considered invalid. If a participant decides to change course, for any reason, from the one he / she had originally stated, he / she is automatically excluded of CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL.
16. MANDATORY EQUIPMENT. The organization does not oblige participants to carry specific equipment.
17. PENALTIES. All of the following rule violations result in the exclusion penalty:
Failure to display or alter the entry number. Acceptance of external assistance.
Use of motor vehicle. Garbage disposal. Switch between routes. Obstruction of another participant. Non-compliance with judges’ instructions. Rudeness – Improper behavior towards the organizing committee, judges, volunteers, etc. ,not present at a checkpoint. Use of illicit drugs or narcotics. Refusal to doping control. Refusal to be examined by a doctor of the organization if this is deemed necessary at any time during the race. Quitting without the information of a judge carries the penalty of exclusion from any future event.
18. OBJECTIONS. Objections for any reason are made only by the participant himself no later than 30 minutes after the end. Any decision of the objection committee is final and does not accept any discussion.
19. COMMISSION. The committee of CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL responsible for any problem or objection that arises, are: Director of CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL, Route manager, Safety manager, and the Head of judges.
20. SECURITY. The race organization controls the routes, as much as possible, to avoid any unexpected event and provides medical assistance to athletes in needed.
21. ROUTE MODIFICATION. The organizer can modify the routes if for any reason there is a risk to the safety of the athletes. It can also delay the start or
cancel or postpone the race due to bad weather or other force majeure.

22. PRIZES. The first 3 winners of the categories of each route will receive a prize.

23. ADVERTISING. With the application form, each participant allows the organizer to photograph and videotape during the CORFU OLD TOWN TRAIL and on the awards ceremony, for advertising purpose.

24 The registration is possible on-line on the official web site of the race, with credit card. The transaction fees are paid by the athletes. The registration is valid from the time of the payment checked by the organizational committee. In case of cancellation more then 1 month  before the race 80% of the fee is refunded, if cancellation occurs until 20 days before the race 50% of the fee is refunded. If the race is canceled by the race organization for any reason the full amount of the fee is returned in 30 days from the date of the race day. If the the date of the race is transferred the race fee is not refundable. After completing the registration the athletes can change the chosen course only if they contact directly the organizational committee the latest 20 days before the race day.